Future Solutions


Setting up an effective safety and health program is considered a prime concern for all organization. Guidelines for Safety and Health Programs are updated to reflect changes in the economy, workplaces, and evolving safety and health issues.

Who Should attend:

All company personnel should know their responsibility about their own safety and safety of other workers in the workplace. They need to identify all types of hazards and methods of control.

Training Methodology:

Participants will learn by active participation during the program using the following training methodologies:

  • Group and individual work in case study & Exercises.
  • Questionnaire
  • Syndicate
  • Videos and group discussion

Course Outlines:

HSEMS for Managers and Supervisors

HSEMS for Managers and Supervisors

  • Provide managers and supervisors, with the skills necessary to participate effectively in work health and safety issues. The practical application of safety legislation including roles and responsibilities provides the foundation of this workshop.
  • Interpret and apply relevant health and safety legislation
  • Understand roles and responsibilities within the workplace
  • Apply principles of risk management, consultation and incident response to practical situations
  • Understand the importance of safety

Risk management for Managers and Supervisors

  • Provide current and potential safety committee members with skills and understanding to contribute to improved health and safety performance through effective committee participation.
  • Interpret legal obligations, roles and responsibilities
  • Understand and practicably apply functions of health and safety committees
  • Apply principles of effective safety performance and risk management
  • Develop practical consultation and communication skills

Safety Committee

  • Provide managers, supervisors and workers with the skills necessary to apply the correct principles to participate in workplace risk management.
  • Interpret HSEMS/OHS legal obligations and definitions
  • Apply principles of risk management as part of workplace safety management
  • System
  • Undertake risk management activities including inspections and assessments.

Incident Reporting, Response & Investigation

  • Managers, supervisors and workers with foundation level skills for the effective response to all incidents
  • Interpret and apply legislative requirements of incident response and notification
  • Undertake initial assessments
  • Participate and assist in incident investigations
  • Assist in the reporting of outcomes of investigations


HSEMS audit or Safety Gap Analysis is a proactive approach to ensure-companies safety management system is effective OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System

  1. ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System
  2. ISO 9001 – Quality Management System
  3. New Proactive ISO 45001 “ISO Standard for Mgt System for occupational health and safety


Write Emergency Response Procedures

  • Prepare for emergencies in the workplace and know how to react in case of them occurring.
  • Identify the types of emergencies that may occur in their workplace.
  • Understand their HSEMS/OHS Obligations and Responsibilities of Work Colleagues.
  • Establish how to prevent Emergencies from occurring.
  • Establish First Response initiatives.
  • Establish Emergency Response Teams/Responsibilities.