Future Solutions

Course Overview:

This course is designed to Identify security access control and operating systems requirements and configuration standards. After that, the training will focus on each of the following points:

  • Use and operate access control and security operating system functionalities as per the set protocols and guidelines.
  • Assist end-users by providing technical support and rectifying simple troubleshoots.
  • Provide recommendations and system functional requirements to enhance the security systems and tools.

Program Objectives

  • Be able to redefine the meanings of HSSE systems, its importance to any business as well as all life activities.
  • Gain more skills and capabilities to deal with any kind of requests by their management in regards to Developing, Establishing, and Maintaining HSSE activities and functions within their business sectors.
  • Be more open and understanding to the International and World Class HSSE Standards and Values.
  • Learn how to develop their own skills and capabilities to be more effective in their areas of responsibilities.
  • Receive a well-designed and comprehensive package of Best Practices Expertise that can be a good aid for each one.

The Purpose (why people should attend):

  • The big Goal (purpose) behind this short and condensed training course is to deliver a high quality and well-designed portion of information to all participants.
  • Practical experiences, and help are to be made available for the trainees where the can Ask Questions and Get Solid Answers.
  • Refresh the storage of information for everyone.
  • Get everyone aligned on the same page, and,
  • Work with everyone individually and as one group to build a practical, sensible, and east-to-achieve an HSSE Systems.

Course Outlines:

Review Basic Definitions Related to the HSSE Business World.

  • HSSE Systems Ownership
  • Importance of HSSE systems to Oil & Gas Business Community
  • The Relationship between HSSE Systems and Business Continuity Objectives.
  • Standard Pillars of HSSE Management Systems:
  • HSSE Plans,
  • HSSE Policies, Procedures, and Processes,
  • Training and Induction (Community Awareness)
  • Monitoring Mechanisms,
  • Supervising Activities, and Reporting Systems
  • The Cooperation and Coordination between the Four Components of the HSSE Organizations and Activities.
  • Why defining Risks?
  • Why Risk Identification, Analysis, Categorizing, and Risks Management is vital to any business community?
  • The Extended Effects of the HSSE not only to Internal Business Community, But also the Eternal Communities Around it.